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9 Things Happy, Healthy People DON’T Have in Their Bedrooms

9 Things Happy, Healthy People DON’T Have in Their Bedrooms
Written By
Stephanie Lysaght
Photographs By
Alyssia Moore
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People always say the kitchen is the best room in a house, but we’re all about the bedroom. You sleep in there – and sleep rules. You have sex in there – and sex rules. What’s not to like? It’s the place you go to turn off your brain and truly relax. So make it great. Here are nine things to keep out of your sleep space so you can wake up happier and healthier than ever.



If you wake up with a sore throat, itchy eyes or a runny nose, chances are you’re allergic to something in your bedroom (duh), and one common culprit is dust mites. Dust mites live in soft materials like carpets, so keep the critters at bay by trading your carpet for an area rug. Less carpet means fewer allergens and fewer congested mornings. (A Pillow Protector will also help!)


Really Bright Colors

We all love the bold, brightly colored bedrooms we see on Pinterest, but they’re not practical if you are remotely insomnia-prone. Bright colors are activating, so sleep-inducing blue or calming earth tones are better options. But don’t worry; just because your color palette is beige doesn’t mean your design has to be. You can accessorize with pops of color to highlight your sparkling personality.


Light Filtering Curtains

We all love gauzy, white curtains that flutter with a breeze…but they belong in the living room. In the bedroom, darkness is key, meaning – sorry – thicker curtains. Light pollution from LED street lights and nearby homes can upset your circadian rhythm and adversely affect your health. So try blackout curtains; you can pretend you’re at a hotel every night!


Snarky Art

Keep your snarky art in the living room so all of your friends know how clever you are, but let your bedroom be an irony-free zone. Make it a haven of good vibes – heck, you can even get a sign that SAYS good vibes! This is your space to get calm and happy as you start – and end – your day. Make it joyful.



Your phone is screwing up your relationship, according to 1 billion articles we’ve all read (and ignored), with titles like Is Your Phone Killing Your Sex Life? and How Your Smartphone is Ruining Your Relationship. We know you’re not going to chuck your iPhone, but why not at least make your bedroom a no-phone-zone and read a book instead. Available wherever books are sold.


A Poorly Positioned Bed

If you have ever dabbled in feng shui, you probably know that you are supposed to be able to see your door from your bed. But did you know that you are also supposed to make sure your feet are not directly in line with the door? In Chinese tradition, the dead are carried out the door feet first, so that alignment is called coffin position. Reposition accordingly!



You knew we were coming for Fido, didn’t you? Sorry, but it’s true; if you snore at night and you don’t know why, your furry friend may be to blame. A whopping 15% of people are allergic to dogs and cats, whether or not we care to admit it. If evicting your pup from the bedroom is a non-starter, at least get an air purifier to mitigate the damage.


Tiny Doodads

You’ve probably accepted by now that clutter makes people unhappy, but what actually constitutes clutter? Well, according to the cantaloupe rule, any decorative items that are smaller than a cantaloupe. So for a room that feels simple and serene, swap that collection of tiny shells for a larger, more dramatic piece, like a wall tapestry by Lauren Williams. Or a cantaloupe.



We all know that screens emit blue light that screws with melatonin production and thus, sleep. But sometimes you just need to watch TV in bed – especially if you’re recovering from the flu (or a breakup). So we propose a compromise: Lose the bedroom TV, but invest in a portable projector for those times you’ve just got to veg out hard.